Antigua launches Unique Properties GEMS guide

Turistična uprava Antigve in Barbude je pravkar predstavila "Unique Properties GEMS of Antigua and Barbuda Guide".

The guide showcases Antigua’s smaller hotels and properties, many of which are owner managed and family owned offering an added value, more personalised stay.

The unique properties were first formed in 2007 but the Antigua and Barbuda Ministry of Tourism has taken the initiative to re-brand the collection and produce the guide.  The guide aims to promote independent properties to not only UK consumers but also UK travel agents and tour operators.

Bivanje v enem od teh intimnih draguljev obiskovalcem ponuja edinstveno doživetje "od doma" in bo obiskovalcu Združenega kraljestva predstavilo novo razsežnost Antigve in Barbude. Izstopajoči elementi teh "draguljev" so, da bodo obiskovalci lahko spoznali svoje gostitelje iz Antigva in Barbude ter začutili pristno toplino in gostoljubnost otokov.

Vodnik obiskovalcem omogoča, da izberejo nepremičnino, ki najbolj ustreza njihovim zahtevam, kjer lahko uživajo v pristnem intimnem domu, od elegantnega in prefinjenega do preprostega in elegantnega. Nepremičnine imajo tudi trdne trajnostne pobude za zagotovitev okolju prijaznega bivanja.

Širok nabor nepremičnin ponuja neverjetno dodano vrednost z lokalnim vpogledom lastnikov in razpoložljivimi pristnimi izkušnjami. Ti segajo od kuharskih tečajev v vilah na Sunset Laneu do raziskovanja mangrov v South Point Horizonu, brezplačnega letališkega prevoza in najema vozil.

Mrs Dulcie Looby-Greene Compliance and Accommodations Officer at the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Development, Investment and Industry  who spearheaded the  project said, ”I’m delighted to see the rebranding of the Unique Properties –  Gems of Antigua and Barbuda come to fruition. I’ve been involved with these properties from inception and today we have provided them with a platform and the tool to put their properties into the forefront of the U.K. trade and media.”

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